Future Fix: Experiments in Mobility
We're back with Season 3 of the podcast the Future Fix: Solutions for Communities Across Canada
October 7, 2022
November 7, 2022
Spacing and Evergreen
Digital placemaking can help create ideal public spaces for a wide variety of people
(Transcript available below)
Data and technology allow placemakers to experiment with new ways of measuring, designing, and most importantly engaging with the people they are designing public space for. Ideally, digital placemaking empowers everyone to shape the spaces they use, love, and rely on.
Farhaan Ladhani is co-founder and CEO of Digital Public Square, an organization who’s ethos is “healthy communities enabled by good technology.” Farhaan explains how digital placemaking can help create ideal public spaces for a wide variety of people.
Thinking about the way in which these tools can be used to foster engagement in the community can be really useful for all sorts of things, from consultation, through to participation on decision making, through to the provision of information.
Listen to the episode to hear more about digital engagement tools.
The Future Fix is a partnership between Spacing and Evergreen for the Community Solutions Network: a program of Future Cities Canada. As the program lead, Evergreen is working with Open North and partners to help communities of all sizes across Canada navigate the smart cities landscape. The Community Solutions Network is supported with funding provided by Infrastructure Canada.