
March 21, 2024

The Future Fix: Dipping into water data

By Evergreen and Spacing Radio

In this episode, we break down the tech behind water data platform DataStream with Mary Kruk and Steph Neufeld of EPCOR in Edmonton.

We all know access to clean water is vital. We also know that water quality and access is jeopardized by things like pollution and drought. On the other hand, the growing frequency of powerful downpours causes stormwater issues. All that to say, the state of the water we rely on for so many thing is in constant flux. What we need is good, local data, about the bodies of water that sustain us.

That’s where Mary Kruk, water data specialist with DataStream, and Steph Neufeld, watershed manager with Edmonton’s water utility EPCOR, can help. With DataStream, Kruk helps compile water data from all over the country, and make it available and easily accessible to everyone who needs it. In Edmonton, Neufeld is using that data to inform the City about it’s many important watersheds.

Listen to the episode below!

steph neufeld stands knee-deep in gaiters and holds container in river

Dipping into water data


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