
April 26, 2024

Landscape and child development


A design guide for early years - kindergarten play-learning environments.

Think back to when you were a child. Does the rule “You can go out and play with your friends after dinner but be home when the street lights come on” sound familiar?
Today’s world is very different. Children no longer freely explore the world around them, and many have extremely limited range – maybe they are not permitted to wander beyond their driveways or the hallways in their apartment buildings. Fear for child safety, over structured routines, and time spent on electronic media are some of the main inhibitors to outdoor discovery. What will the impact of these changes be on this and future generations of young people? It’s time to get kids outside again.

These guidelines for outdoor learning and play represent design ideas that incorporate green design principles and that are centered on meeting children’s development needs – physical, cognitive, social and emotional.

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