
October 22, 2020

Strengthening Accountability and Outcomes for Affordable Housing: Understanding the Impact of the Affordable Home Ownership Program

Auditor General Toronto

The Auditor General's Annual Work Plan includes a series of audits along the housing continuum. Figure 1 illustrates the areas that have been included in prior audits1 and the current focus of this audit (affordable home ownership). This audit assesses the extent to which the City's affordable home ownership program (the "Program") is achieving the City's housing objectives.

Housing costs in Toronto are amongst the most expensive in the country. For many in Toronto, housing is not affordable. The City’s HousingTO 2020-2030 Action Plan (“HousingTO Action Plan”) is its blueprint for action across the full housing spectrum; from homelessness to rental and ownership housing, to long-term care for seniors. A strategic goal of the HousingTO Action Plan is to help people buy, stay in and improve their homes. It notes that, “the key to a healthy housing market is the flow along the housing spectrum with the ability for residents to own their own homes if they so choose.”

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