Frequently asked questions
August 14, 2023
Frequently Asked Questions and Solutions Showcase Preparation
To close Stage 2 of the Northern Access Round, we are inviting you to the Solutions Showcase scheduled for November 7 - 10, 2023. Participation in the Solutions Showcase event is required as part of your Stage 2 submission for the Northern Access Round. Your 10-minute pre-recorded presentation will be played during your session for the Evaluation Panel, followed by a 15-minute Q&A period. We have compiled an FAQ – check it out below! We’ll keep this FAQ updated up to the showcase.
ATTENTION: The Stage 2 Deadline for the Northern Access Round has been extended to Thursday, October 12 at 5pm Eastern Time. Please keep this in mind as you review resources on the Community Solutions Portal as they may reference previous timelines for Stage 2 deadlines.
- Consult the Schedule of the Solutions Showcase for your specific presentation block (the date and time required to attend the Showcase)
- Download the Solutions Showcase Event Guide
- Download this Tip Sheet for Preparing your 10-minute Pre-Recorded Presentation
When and where will the Solutions Showcase be held?
The Solutions Showcase will be a live, virtual event where we will play your 10-minute pre-recorded presentation and have a 15-minute Q&A with the Evaluation Panel. The showcase will take place from October 10 – 13, 2023. Each team will receive a personalized event package including the date and timeslot to attend the showcase.
Will the entire Evaluation Panel review my Stage 2 Application prior to the Solutions Showcase?
Each session with a team at the Solutions Showcase will include a minimum of 10 Evaluation Panelists from across the country. Of these, up to four Panelists will have read the team’s application thoroughly in advance of the Solutions Showcase. These Panelists will come prepared with questions for the applications they reviewed, and their questions will be prioritized. As not all Evaluation Panel members will read the full content of your application, your 10-minute pre-recorded presentation should present a summary of your application.
Will other teams be present during my timeslot at the Solutions Showcase?
The Solutions Showcase will be a closed-door event. Each team will meet the Evaluation Panel individually. You can access their bios on the Impact Canada Portal. CMHC may invite some federal representatives to learn about the projects. They will not be able to ask questions.
For the Solutions Showcase, is the 10-minute presentation evaluated?
The 10-minute presentation for the Solutions Showcase section of the Stage 2 Application will not be weighted. Applicants will not be scored on the quality of the production and should focus on the content of their presentation. This is to ensure that Applicants understand that they are not expected to have a full video production and can submit any quality of presentation. Your solution will be scored based on the evaluation criteria listed in the Applicant Guide, and the Solutions Showcase in October can help elevate the Evaluation Panel’s understanding of your project through additional information and/or context provided in the presentation and your answers during the Q&A. In summary, the Solutions Showcase will affect your application insofar as it will provide a more fulsome picture of your solution to the Evaluation Panel.
What information does my 10-minute presentation need to include?
The purpose your 10-minute pre-recorded presentation serves is to provide the full Evaluation Panel with information about your solution. Therefore, your presentation should take a pitch-style approach by offering an overview of your solution, how it works, the intended impact, the progress you have made over the Incubation phase, and your work planning toward the solution’s anticipated readiness at the end of Stage 3: Implementation. For this requirement, your presentation could be a recorded PPT presentation, an audio file or voice recording, a voice-over demonstration, etc. Not all Evaluation Panel members will read the full content of your application, so playing your 10-minute pre-recorded presentation at the Solutions Showcase will present a summary of your application that will allow all panel members to participate effectively in the discussion of your solution. Select members of the Evaluation Panel will review your application (including the 10 mins presentation) and prepare questions for your team for the showcase event in October.
Can I still use the content I prepared under the previous guidelines for the 10-minute presentation?
The previous guidelines for the 10-minute presentation indicated you could include in your presentation any other details that you may not have had the chance to include about your solution in the Application Form. While the presentation should now be a pitch to the Evaluation Panel, you can still include the content you prepared (storytelling, testimonies, additional context, etc.) in the optional upload following Section 2.2 in the Stage 2 Application form. The Evaluation Panelists conducting the deep-dive review of your application will spend up to 1-hour reviewing the supporting materials you include.
Who is expected to join the Solutions Showcase from my team?
There is no strict expectation; however, consider the types of questions which may arise from the Evaluation Panel and which team member would be best positioned to answer them. Consider the technical side of the solution, but also financing, project management, and community impact, etc.
Is there a cap on the number of team members who can attend the showcase?
There is no cap on the number of team members who can attend the showcase. You are welcome to invite other team members, project partners and members of your community. Please note that the Q&A segment with the Evaluation Panel will be 15 minutes, so we recommend having one team member delegate questions from the Evaluation Panel to the appropriate team member to respond to ensure that you’re making the most of your time.
Can the Support Program help me with my 10-min prerecorded presentation?
While the Support Program cannot review the draft presentation, we can advise on the framing and language based on the outline of your presentation. Additionally, we recommend revisiting the Communications Workshop as it offers useful tips on defining your communication objectives, identifying your target audience and messages, and using storyboarding and other communication techniques to prepare your pre-recorded presentation.
Will CMHC share my 10-minute prerecorded presentation outside of the Solutions Showcase?
No. The presentations are part of the Stage 2 Application and are therefore protected. Teams can share their material externally themselves, but CMHC will not. Please note the solution summary is the exception and indicated as such in the application.
Are accommodations available?
In the interest of keeping the Solutions Showcase requirement (10-minute presentation and attending the event) as accessible as possible, please reach out to CMHC if your team wishes to present in a format other than those listed, or if you require any accommodation to participate in the Solutions Showcase. You can contact the CMHC team via