August 17, 2021
Five Key Resources Related to Housing and Affordability

Affordability has been a major hurdle for many looking to find suitable housing. CMHC’s Housing Supply Challenge aims to reduce or remove barriers that hinder housing supply in Canada, with support for applicants led by Evergreen. Understanding rental data, homelessness, nonprofit housing, public participation and policy, and more is key not only in navigating the housing ecosystem, but in developing relevant solutions.
We asked our Housing Supply Challenge Support Program advisors to recommend resources that relate to issues around housing affordability. Be sure to check the Portal regularly, which will be updated throughout the Challenge with new resources.
The Homeless Hub
Who They Are
A library of 30,000 resources from the Canadian Observatory on Homelessness (COH), Canada’s largest national research institute devoted to homelessness.
What They Provide
Both original research and connections to other organizations are available on the Hub. There are COH Publications including policy briefs, reports, e-books, case studies, and a youth homelessness community planning toolkit, plus ethical guides for researchers collecting data on homelessness. Specific resources, such as the Human Rights Guide on Ending Youth Homelessness are available in eight languages. Hub Solutions is a social enterprise that supports agencies, communities, and policy makers to improve their capacity to end homelessness.
Ontario Nonprofit Housing Association
Who They Are
Composed of more than 700 non-profit housing providers, ONPHA is an independent association that raises awareness of the critical role rental housing plays in Ontario and provides their members with education and resources needed to offer their tenants high-quality homes.
What They Provide
The Advocacy Library is a comprehensive database of research and reports, including The Urban and Rural Indigenous Housing Plan for Ontario, which supports the resolution put forth by the Urban Aboriginal Housing Advisory Committee to implement Indigenous housing strategies. The ONPHA also hosts courses, workshops, and informational webinars for housing staff and board members, with discounts available to members.
A Way Home Canada
Who They Are
A national coalition reimagining solutions to youth homelessness through transformations in policy, planning and practice. They work with all orders of government, communities, services providers and philanthropy, with a focus on prevention.
What They Provide
Books available for download, including multiple reports on the relationship between Covid-19 and Homelessness. Webinars, including series focusing on community planning and systems planning, are also available.
Canadian Rental Housing Index
Who They Are</p>
A database that compiles rental housing statistics for cities, regions, and provinces across Canada.
What They Provide
Interactive charts, maps, and datasets, including the ability to browse province, territory, regional districts, and electoral districts. Data is available on household demographics (such as families, Indigenous Households, age profile, and immigrant households), as well as rental information (such as average rent prices, utility costs, renter income levels, and overcrowding).
Who They Are
An association of professionals in the field of public participation, who seek to promote and improve the practice in relation to individuals, governments, institutions and other entities that affect the public interest in Canada and around the world. IAP2’s core belief is that public participation is based on the belief that those who are affected by a decision have a right to be involved in the decision-making process.
What They Provide
IAP2 runs courses on public participation, often in collaboration with nonprofits. This September, they are partnering with The BC Non-Profit Housing Association for a training series relevant for anyone in the non-profit housing sector that is leading engagement initiatives. (This event is sponsored by CMHC.) See IAP2 Canada’s calendar of events for more upcoming workshops.